If you want to check your girlfriend’s private WhatsApp chats, there are various apps to help you do so. There are many reasons why you might be interested in these apps. How to read my girlfriend’s WhatsApp messages without her knowing?
Forwarding WhatsApp messages to email
This method is considered more difficult than the others, but even this can be learned. The difficulty is that you need to know and have e-mail. But the advantage is that this way can be used both on Android and iPhone.
Forwarding algorithm:
- Go into messenger WhatsApp to “chats” and select the chat you want to check.
- Slide to the left and select “More”.
- Choose to send by Email.
- Choose a way to read conversations with or without media and files.
- Send. And now messages are sent from one phone to another.
- But the main thing is to have a normal Internet and e-mail.
How to access the correspondence without access to WhatsApp
To hack the application by creating a copy of the account. But the use of such a case is responsible for yourself and for others. We will not describe this method, as it is illegal. But you can find a lot of information on the Internet.
Tethering someone else’s phone, where there is WhatsApp to your own
To tie someone’s phone, you need to have two things, this is the phone number of the girl and the phone itself to confirm the sms. Algorithm:
- Download the application.
- During login, you need to confirm the phone number. And log into your girlfriend’s account.
- Confirm the number.
- Then it is recommended to delete the messages, so that the one who was hacked will not guess anything.
- After confirming, you are logged into your WhatsApp account. That’s the whole complicated method.
Is it worth using the services of special hacking services?
There are special services that will help you hack applications, including WhatsApp. It is not desirable to hire specialists, as you can do everything yourself. We have provided you with three ways that can definitely help you. But on the other hand, everything depends on the situation.
There is an article in the criminal code that says that you can not violate personal space and read other people’s correspondence. So state sanctions can go to individuals for such actions. And it can also happen that a person will go to jail for several years. So before hacking WhatsApp or other applications, think carefully. If your “victim” finds out about the hacking, there is a chance that a criminal case could be filed against you on a police report.